Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

I was talking with a friend the other day about her blog. She is going through some very trying, but very personal things in her life, so she does not feel like a public blog would be appropriate in her life right now. That reminded me of the journal jar I got at some church function many years ago. This jar is filled with journaling ideas that could be used as blog entry ideas. (The jar has been sitting on my computer cabinet for years and I finally dusted it off today and took it to work--where I do most of my blogging... shhhhhh!) Without even cracking the vault, I came up with a blog topic on my own today... And I'm actually blogging from home tonight.

My blog idea (please feel free to life my idea for your own blog entry) is to list things that I love. And not just the standard answers like my family, God, sunshine, blah, blah, blah. But with that said, here are a few of my favorite things...

my family. god. sunshine. the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking. and bread baking. and turkey baking. food. eating food. shopping. the sound of Luke playing. laughter. good music, like Nickleback, Pink, 80's. sewing. scrapbooking for hours at a time. mulitple orgasms (like I wouldn't include that one, guys! come on--remember who's blog you're reading!). paying the bills. sushi. jeans. going barefoot. swimming in warm water. being tan. when wii eva tells me I've lost weight. beating rick at chess. soup. steamed cabbage. loyal friends. intelligence. watching my favorite shows, like the office, 24, heroes, survivor, battlestar galactica, friends, lost. christie brinkley. getting lost in a good book. pedicures. having my hair played with. massages. blasting the music and singing along in the car. gabriel's smile. elijah's eyes. sarah's hair. luke's eye lashes. rick's butt. my hair. the totally cool burn stuff rick put on my finger that stopped the pain and healed my blister fast. rootbeer (not the dog, the soda). ice cream, almost any flavor. a good work out. a clean bathroom. washing dishes. my laminate floors, when they are swept. costco samples. walmart prices. fabric. onion rings dipped in good ranch dressing. playing blokus with my kids. changing seasons. capri pants weather. sourdough bread. cheese. colors, especially green. photos. building legos. holidays. paid vacation days. when my kids listen the first time. kissing. my house. roberta (the dog, not the soda).


  1. You. You are on my list.

    This is a very cool post. :)

  2. I thought about putting my favorite people on my list, but I've decided to write a seperate post... so keep your eyes peeled for new and exciting words from my brain... :)

    And thanks... You are on a lot of my lists! (they're all good)

  3. That's a great idea! I think I need to put a blog jar next to the computer to put my ideas and thoughts into. I have a note pad, but I think a jar would be better! Can't wait to read more of your blog on what you have on your mind! :)

  4. My sister's blog includes a countdown of her top 1000 things she is thankful for. She usually does like 10 at a time. These blogs are inspiring to me to keep a positive and grateful heart.
