Monday, February 1, 2010

I don't know that I have anything in mind to say. I just know that it's been awhile since I've written and I'd like to add my two cents... I changed the look of my blog to match the holiday this month--Valentine's Day. I love the idea of decorating to match the season or the holiday, though I've never really had the wearwithall to actually follow through. I always sort of thought that having children in the house would spur me to create wonderful and amazing projects to display around the house. Really, kids just leave me exhausted and thoughtless by the end of the day.

They are so much work--children, that is. Well, and seasonal decorations, too. In October the kids came home with tons of color pages and craft projects for Halloween. And they always want to keep all of the work they bring home. Even the math worksheets. The ones they didn't even finish or do well on. I would have to rent a storage unit to keep all the school papers Sarah and Elijah want me to keep. I ask them to pick out their top favorites and then I get to make the final choice. Everything else goes in the recycle bin. I think it breaks their hearts that I do this. I hope their psyches are not too badly damaged by my callus disregard for their homework assignments.

Anyway, starting back in October, the kids had lots of art to display, so I decided to use clothes pins to hang their projects from the valance of our sliding door shades. It was a brilliant plan. In November, we replaced the Jack-O-Lanterns and ghosts with cornacopias and colorful turkeys. In December we changed it up with Rudolf and various renditions of Santa Claus...

Well, now it's February and Rudolf's nose has faded in the sunlight... I guess it's time to brake out the dollies and make some Valentine artwork for display... Then it'll be St. Patrick's Day and then Easter... Followed by another long break in the holiday themes. I bet I'll be trading Easter Bunny pictures for Independence Day displays...

But I am really getting ahead of myself now. I haven't even started on the Valentine's Day stuff. And this is how it is. One thing leads to another, until I find myself standing in a room, wondering what the heck I came in here for! I can't even keep the crap off my floors. My baseboards are actually embarrassing. My window sills are scary! And I'm worried about matching my kids' art display to the season... No wonder my house is messy and I can't remember what I'm doing...

At least I know I am raising some happyish kids. They sure do argue a lot. I'm pretty sure they love each other. I know they depend on each other. That's all I really want for my family. No matter what kind of decorations are hanging. Or how gross the baseboards are looking. And yes, there is still a "fresh" wreath hanging on our front door. I should just add some hearts and call it good!

1 comment:

  1. I was pretty good about seasonal decorations before I had so many kids. Now I just turn it over to the rug rats to put out and take down all the holiday trimmings. They do a pretty good job of it, and it keeps them happy.

    And my baseboards aren't all that either. :)
